Incocchti and whistles to Insigne: In Napoli they also criticized Diego



Atalanta after Arsenal: another three defense,
another team that makes intensity the key to
his game, another man-by-man battle, as in the style of
Gasperini. We need to change our mentality
coaches, we need to propose football, even in Europe. IS
Insigne learn to manage the difficult moments : Giuseppe
Incocciti, double ex of Napoli and Atalanta immediately discovers the

Was this the difference between Napoli and Arsenal?
Between who proposes football and who doesn’t? It is not ungenerous in the
against Ancelotti?

I think it was clear a great detachment between the two
teams. The values seen in the field suggest that our football
is still far behind. Maybe we think too much about our opponents,
abroad they go beyond mere tactics, they think about doing
football, think of a structured game idea, as it has
demonstrated the Ajax .

Does not share Ancelotti’s words at the end of the race, where
turnover returned to the center of the

The words of the coach seem to me to be in conformity with reality
of the facts: also this year, however, the Napoli remains to
dry of trophies. And it is still very far from Juventus.
Ancelotti was and is called to give the
right mind to this team, to choose players
important together with society, not only shortening the gap
economic but also technical towards
Juventus. “

An analysis that would lead to thinking: better with

“No. With Sarri, Napoli played fantastically: but not
has collected nothing “.

From: Il Mattino.

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