Napoli, Milik still does not convince: too many errors in front of the Polish



The two faces of this pre-season Napoli are both Polish,
both come out smiling from the match with Barcelona, but if the
Zielinski’s smile is the satisfied one of those who are
internalizing the role of play, that of Milik is pulled,
tense, of circumstance in embracing the companions: why
summarizes the awareness that something is wrong. Half an hour
abundant dispute against the boat is the mirror of merits
and defects, both brought to even more evidence
clear of what the race with Marseille had brought as evidence:
in a market session in which De Laurentiis himself has
admitted that he had been interested in two big bomber jackets like Icardi and
Lukaku, almost entering the debate throughout last season
on the international value of the Ajax school tip.
Because from a technical-tactical point of view, Milik continues to
prove to be an almost perfect footballer: the encounter movement
at the ball it is done with the right timing, capacity
to lower itself as a pin for the action in restart, precise
in shortening and then stretching the action. Some
launch to change course, also seen in the night of Miami,
demonstrate how the accident is a powerful weapon to be exploited in
goal-zone, but also optional as a second-leg foot, almost
as a playmaker. The improvement of the physical condition has
also allowed to monitor those progress in speed
and in the exploitation of the broad shoulders to keep at a distance the

From: Il Mattino.

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