Napoli, relax in the Campi Flegrei for Di Lorenzo and Verdi



Sunday in the Campi Flegrei for two blues today. In fact, full-back Giovanni Di Lorenzo spent the day at the Alma Beach in Lucrino within the Lido Giardino Resort. The Napoli player has granted autographs and photographs to the guests. In the picture & # 232; together with the two receptinists of the receptive tourist structure of Pozzuoli. While the external offensive Simone Verdi has preferred to spend some moments of full relaxation at the Lost Paradise of Bacoli. Laura, sweet met & # 224; of the blue player, in fact, has published among other things on his Instagram profile a photo with the view of the bay of Bacoli and the Gulf of Pozzuoli right from the terraces of the structure of via Castello. & # 160;

From: Il Mattino.

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