Was immediate the Aurelio De Laurentiis’ answer, which reply the bad Higuain comedy, assisted from the Juventus direction.

Here is the letter of the Napoli’s president, who posted on the official website. Napolisupporters subscribe to every word and sided with ADL.
Dear fans of Napoli, dear football fans,
I read the statements of Gonzalo Gerardo Higuain in the press conference organized by Juventus and I want to focus on the part where, after saying that Juventus are a big family and he’s happy to wear the Juventus jersey, states that the reason why he decided to go to that team would be my fault. I thought long and if these statements deserve an answer, being easily clear to everyone what the truth is. In the end I thought it was better to say something, so ‘, for future reference. This is my answer.
1) If Mr. Gonzalo Gerardo Higuain was so irritated by my presence, it took many years to figure it out, unless it is not a false person or a great actor. But exclude the latter possibility: about the actors, I’m expert.
2) We spent much time together, even recently, for example, an entire day to the Disciplinary Committee of Rome not later than 15 April, to try to remedy the disqualification of four days he’d had in the middle of the championship fight. I assure you that Gonzalo that day was very calm and showed no impatience to me, as can testify the people who were with us.
3) How is it that his agent did not show impatience when we met to discuss the renewal, and it is often successful in the last year? If they were so intolerant of my presence, they would not have spent hours discussing money, lots of money, with great interest and availability.
4) He does not have some shame his agent when he says that the team in which he played, that put him in a position to score 38 goals, was not up to par? Does not be ashamed to say, basically, that the teammates of Gonzalo were scarce, as the Napoli was the team that had the largest number of scoring opportunities in Italy, a key condition to allow a striker to score many goals?
5) Try to explain that his passage into the new family is my fault, it’s disrespectful to the Neapolitans. If Higuain had read the story of Naples, he would discover that this city was the only one to rid itself from the Nazis, even before the arrival of the Americans, they found the town already freed when they entered.
This people can be betray if you have no shame, but do not make fun of the Neapolitans.