Juve-Napoli tickets forbidden to those born in Campania



The decision announced by the Juventus company website: coupons for sale starting tomorrow morning

TURIN – There is a novelty in the ticket sales restrictions for the challenge between Juventus and Napoli , in program Saturday 31 August at 8.45pm at the Allianz Stadium. Not only will the sale be forbidden as usual to residents in Campania, but also, with an unusual decision, to those in Campania who are also born . Among the spectators, for example, there could not be the current Juve coach, Sarri , who was born in Napoli.

Serie A : the complete calendar

From Turin, as Repubblica has revealed, they said that the decision was agreed with the Police and the Observatory pending the provisions on the game, which has always been considered at risk, which will be issued after August . The free sale will start tomorrow morning at 10, even if you have to understand if there will still be tickets available after the phase reserved for those who have the right of first refusal.

From: Corriere Dello Sport.

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