The growth path that led Napoli and Juventus from Serie B at the top in 10 years.

The Known Journalist Marco Bellinazzo, Footblogger Sole24Ore, traces the big climb, ten years from the second league “B”, the two clubs that will face tonight in the second leg of the Italian Cup. Tim Cup.
In 2007, both clubs celebrated their return to the top league. Since then, the two clubs began a virtuous path between sporting success and economic growth. A path in which Juve has gradually accelerated digging a gap with the other teams in Serie A.
Juventus in the past ten years, has grossed more than 2.5 billion euro between TV rights, ticketing, business revenues and bonuses linked to investments in international competitions. Between 2006 and 2016 revenue more than doubled from 187 million to 387 million.
Napoli, once back in Serie A, has strung together eight budgets in positive. Napoli have grossed in the decade just under EUR 1.4 billion, resulting in profits of 46 million (pending accounted for in the financial statements at June 30, 2017 excluded from this examination the Higuain mega-gain).
The revenue amounted to 41 million in the 2006/2007 season on the B, has grown to 154 million in 2016 (with a peak of 237 million in 2014, reached thanks to the simultaneous entry into the Champions League and the sale of Cavani). The Achilles heel of the era De Laurentiis was the lack of infrastructure investments. The tour of the club’s business is like stuck around at an altitude of 130/140 million.
Meanwhile, however, the cost of the rose since the team is back in A nearly tripled. Napoli in fact spent in compensation 18.6 million in Series B, 26 million in the first year in the top division and spent 85 in 2016. The Neapolitan club has expanded its board with three titles (two Italian Cups and a Super Cup).
Napoli thus so far has done better than Juve
In ordinary operations useful product (46 million) rather than losses (180). However, Juventus, has capitalized on its reconstruction, symbolized by the Stadium. This has led to receipts of 1.1 billion euro in more opponents (an average of 100 million per season).