Aurelio De Laurentiis – Maurizio Sarri

Rino Cesarano, dean of the Neapolitans sports journalists
by Corriere dello Sport, spoke roughly the NapoliĀ difficult moment. Guest at Tifo Azzurro, Televomero’s show, these are his words: “The real problem of Napoli is the current relationship between De Laurentiis and Sarri. I say to both to meet, to speak each other and clarify. This friction no good, even for the transfer market. It misses a mediation figure, Guintoli do not have the experience to do so. Sarri and De Laurentiis is people mature and responsible. It is not good that Sarri sends through the TV, gibes to the club, as not good that De Laurentiis declare certain things. They’re both in error, and i hope that during this pause they meet, otherwise how do you decide the footballers to be bought in January, without the understanding between the two !? They have to find an accord, or this Napoli risks to reach just the fifth or sixth “.