When you’re on top of the hill, and suddenly you feel the ground under your feet missing…..
It’s this the feeling you get when you’re reaching a certain level, and something goes wrong. Last season, although it was not frozen by a title, for the first time, he had the feeling, to finally have a great idea of football. A winning idea.
As I described in this article.
Sarri in a short time has managed to shape as best as possible the team, getting a game that maybe, even to the time of Diego, had been never seen. He is the great revelation.
A charismatic goalkeeper that give safety and who leads his fellow department.
A more reliable defense! Experience and physicality with Albiol and Koulibaly, without forgetting the contribution of external back Hysaj and Ghoulam. Napoli this year holds the record of minor saves (thanks also to the defense) and internal records of fewer goals conceded.
In median, the captain is finally at ease, playing more fluid, and is more functional to the game. Jorginho aligned at the best play maker in Europe, and they felt even the muscles of Allan, at times of the season, devastating.
And in attack, what to say? Callejon, more unique than rare footballer. Left luxury and abundance with Insigne and Mertens.
The Pipita, we have no more words to describe his championship. We spent them all, in the numerous articles dedicated to him.
Even who has substituted, gave his contribution, that was always useful to the cause.
This year there is the Champions League, there is the championship can win more than ever, and it is to honor the Italian Cup, with these bases, one can hope, would be enough to improve the team where everything already works great, where you only have to touch up.
But when you least expect it, there’s two unexpected blows.
Guintoli and De Laurentiis, have identified suitable profiles, few players but of the level of the current owners. Sarri, on the certainties of his game, can now build tactical alternatives to surprise opponents.
Koulibaly, that after this great season, wants more money, and threatens to leave. We remember that the first year was disappointing. But the real blow is that of the Pipita Higuain. This was just unexpected.
Who knows that the smiles on the face of Koulibaly, solicited by fans in this day, can not be a sign of detente. Or there can not be reconciliation with Higuain’s brothers after the “outburst” after copa America. De Laurentiis has already prepared a new contract, with salary increase and lowering of the clause.
Do not destroy a dream!
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