These are the 5 commandments by Sarri,
whose obedience or lack of obedience, may decide the fate of a footballer.
1) The goalkeeper must be able to play the ball in order to participate in the maneuver. Although it makes some mistake and suffers too much goals, it is important to have good feet.
2) The defender must be able to keep the defensive line. Although physically strong and technically good, if he can not keep the line, he does not play.
3) The midfielder has not to carry the ball too much, but to play it with 2, maximum 3 touches. Although physically strong and technically good, if he carries the ball instead of playing it with 2, maximum 3 touches, he does not play.
4) The wing must be able to defend. Although he scores, if he can not defend, he does not play.
5) The striker must be able to work together his teammates and not be a soloist. If he does not have this feature, he plays only if scores a lot. Otherwise he does not play.
The 5 Commandments are written on the blackboard in the locker room, given to Sarri,