Insigne knocks at the hotel in Capri: “Is De Laurentiis there?”



The family of the full Napoli attacker (wife, children and parents) knocked on the blue president’s door

CASTEL VOLTURNO – The fourteen and thirty of a Sunday in its own way “strange”, with the stunning echo of the choirs of Frosinone that has become widespread in the ether and in the air and has landed everywhere: it is a shouting that can be heard here and there, a chatter that belongs to anyone, because at that moment there was a “debate” in the open air that is everywhere, when in Capri, in the hotel that houses the president De Laurentiis, silence falls for astonishment and curiosity.

The first step towards the “normalization” of a long and daily update is recorded just a few moments after the triple closure of Frosinone-Napoli, while the exploits of Younes and Mertens and instead the timpani are still dazed by the choirs that have accompanied (also) the refusal of a fan to keep Callejon’s shirt: Insigne, his wife Genny, his children and parents have just stopped seeing the game, they are around and have a goal, the “Quisisana”, knowing or hoping that Aurelio De Laurentiis, announced in Capri, could be there.

“Is the president there?” There was, the president, he too (obviously) back from his hour and a half of full immersion of the Napoli and happily surprised for that unexpected visit.

From: Corriere Dello Sport.

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