James Rodriguez, the sponsor supports Napoli



Ancelotti expects him, De Laurentiis works on the right formula with Florentino. And from Spain they say that Adidas is ready to finance the blow

NAPLES – In Madrid are the days of Hazard, and of what the Spanish press has called the return of Florentilandia’s maximum splendor, but from the other end of the world, and precisely in Vancouver, Canada, Carlo Ancelotti awaits a response. Yes or no: because James Rodriguez is at the top of his personal list together with Lozano , the Mexican Chucky of PSV, and Napoli has multiplied contacts with Real. He, the player, in the meantime is in Brazil with the Colombian national team for the America’s Cup and tomorrow he will debut against Messi’s Argentina, but apart from the national honor there is also a personal future to be defined: in a hurry. For a thousand needs: technical, family and even contractual. Already: and from this point of view, from Spain they even tell us that Adidas is ready to participate in the payment for James, a social star with over 91 million followers who in Italy has not yet reached the peak of fame. In short, a football operation and also a bit of marketing: in Madrid, in the days of Hazard, they see it that way. How to blame him.

And then, from Florentilandia to Jameslandia. A multinational player format, considering the media echo that the star of Colombia manages to unleash. Ninety-one, we said: to be precise, 91.7 million followers, followers, among the Instagram profiles (41.5, however far from the 171 of Cristiano Ronaldo); the Facebook page (32); and the Twitter account (18.2). As soon as he breathes, in summary, he produces: the reality is this. And apparently Adidas, of which James is the image man and a technical face just like Insigne, would also be willing to intervene to facilitate the landing in Italy: the Spanish press says it, says Marca, stating that the German giant would even ready to cover 20% of the salary that the player should receive from Napoli. That is: 6.5 million euros. A huge amount.

Read the full article on today’s edition of Corriere dello Sport

From: Corriere Dello Sport.

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