Inter goes against Icardi and Napoli remains at the window



Inter continues to build on Icardi: it is not included in the
next season’s programs and is on the market. Maurito
he always put Juve at the top of his wish list
meanwhile he veered on Lukaku but to close the deal with the
Manchester United awaits Dybala’s yes to the Red Devils.
The Icardi plot continues and in Italy the only two clubs, besides
to the bianconero, where Rome could end up (given that
Dzeko likes Inter) and Napoli. The blue club waits and
if all the right conditions were to be created (the evaluation
lower than the current one, that is around 50
million) and the availability of the Argentine striker to the
transfer will be ready to deal. The eventual arrival
of Maurito could change the fate of Milik, reconfirmed by
blue club: according to Estadio Deportivo the Betis would be
interested in the Polish center forward.

From: Il Mattino.

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