Napoli European Champion for Clubs … Unfeasible Dream?


S.Paolo Champions

Borussia Dortmund and Atletico Madrid, teams of a not very high revenue, capable over the years, piece after piece, discovering real talent, revitalizing depressed champions and sometimes, by purchasing champions of safe return of investment, so thanks to a monstrous organization, to a serious team project and to “fundamental” contribution of excellent coaches, rise, or nearly so, on the rooftops of Europe.
Think of a SSC Napoli at that level, it would mean to dream the impossible, or with a little ‘luck in the draw, in the arbitrage, but above all thanks to the organization, the team project above mentioned, including the coach, would simply believe that nothing is impossible (Leicester docet), especially when working well, and Naples in progress, as he likes to tell the President, for years now … tonight I cheer Atletico I work well tonight Tiferet Atletico Madrid, because to cheer Atletico, would also mean to cheer a bit of SSC Napoli, and then, FORZA NAPOLI ATLETICO!