Napoli, a business worth half a billion: the blue followers are worth 7 million



There are no advisors to take. After all, the assessment that i
bank advisors make a club can give an idea of
how much a football club is worth. They can give one
track. But then every owner sets the price on his own.
Exactly how it works for a home. Or for a soccer player. Who
can impose another price on which to sell based on
any table? And then, don’t be surprised if between what emerges from the
KPMG study Football Club’s Valuation: The European
Elite (Napoli has a market value of 569 million) e
what Aurelio De Laurentiis said in an interview with the Corriere
of the Sport-Stadium (I refused 900 million for the
Napoli ) there is a difference of 330 million. Theoretically,
a bargain for the patron of the Filmauro to sell at that figure.
True or not, it is his business.

From: Il Mattino.

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