Napoli, Icardi approaches Ancelotti’s home: fixed price



De Laurentiis meets the Nerazzurri in Milan: the president prepares the title shot. An 80 million deal

A first contact. Indeed, to be precise, a few sentences in freedom or if you prefer some jokes with a smile on your lips. With the aim of not discovering the cards, but also to make it clear that the Napoli < / a> on Icardi there is. And how. Especially now that Pep is almost Arsenal and that James is not released by Real . Aurelio De Laurentiis yesterday did not launch his offensive for the nerazzurro number 9, but on the sidelines of the meeting of the companies of Serie A some joke with the interista Beppe Marotta exchanged it. The blue number one with the Rosario bomber has already been “burned” once, when in 2016 he wanted to make it the substitute of Higuain passed to Juve , and does not intend to repeat the experience. Now the scenario has completely changed and M auro is no longer considered as unredeemable as three years ago, but ADL knows that it is not alone in the race for the bomber. That is why he moves cautiously and without expressing his liking openly. For the moment he has chosen the line of the soft approach, also waiting for the DS Giuntoli to reach an agreement in principle with Wanda Nara for the engagement of the center forward. The goal is still far away, but if you really Pep will wear the shirt of the Gunners and if the Colombian managed by Jorge Mendes will not move from the Spanish capital, then it will inevitably accelerate on Icardi, one of the few top players that at this moment the market offers.

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