Napoli-Manolas, tweet time is approaching



The Greek defender could make medical visits tomorrow at Villa Stuart

NAPLES – It is a sigh, now: thirty June, the last grains are slipping from the hourglass, and there is a deal that moves half the world, because it flies from Rome to Napoli , from Montecarlo to Milan and brings its echoes to Greece and then to Vancouver, Canada.

Napoli, De Laurentiis: “James and Manolas? It depends on Ancelotti’s game”

It’s the market, gentlemen, and it’s not surprising either when they dance, in the air, in the heat, thirty-six million euros for Manolas , then others for Diawara, then the engagements of both: contracts, as we know, are long, and that times are tight seems to be a classic detail, because from inside and from outside it seems to be over. But working, between blitz in the skies: Giuntoli went to Mino Raiola, the manager of Manolas, he called with him even the most apparent and insignificant of the bonuses, they dance five hundred thousand euro and in such cases, you know, there is who takes a step forward and one step back; while Rome and Napoli must arrange an articulated and reciprocal commitment, which foresees deadlines and must also contemplate any unexpected surprises, which seem to be averted. There is also membership for Diawara, so it seems, two million a year until 2024: and therefore, the “intrigue” is elsewhere, there is but it seems a simple node to be tamed.