Napoli, Mertens show in Dimaro: sings “O surdato ‘nnammurato” with Callejon



At the end & # 160; presentation of the team, the blue striker is & # 232; let go on the notes of one of the most # 249; famous songs of the Neapolitan repertoire

ROME – Mertens , how much emotion his performance. The attacker of Napoli has posted a video on his Instagram profile in which he posted intones “O surdato ‘nnammurato” while embracing Callejon at the end of the team’s presentation in Dimaro. A real party that is ended in the best possible way. & # 160; Ancelotti , like a good coach, d & # 224; & # 160; input to the team and off with the choir: “Oje vita, oje mia mia. ..oje core ‘e chistu core … “, between applause and general enthusiasm. Among the most # 249; unleashed there & # 232; just the Belgian footballer who lets himself be carried on the notes of the famous Neapolitan song with an expression that reveals a great emotion. & # 160; The video & # 232; It was accompanied by a caption that Mertens wanted to dedicate to his Spanish companion: “ Wuagli & # 242; we arrived together in Napoli and now begins our seventh blue shirt championship, maybe the last one … but how much do we we have fun friar. And when you hug me so you make me mur & # 236; “. It is then the final sluice which is worth more than 249; of another hundred words: “ Forza Napoli semper “.

Napoli, the team’s presentation at Dimaro FOTO < / a>