The Napoli hurricane

In these cases, it is impossible not to have the doubt:
“It is Napoli to have played a great match, or Inter to have played a very bad one?“. And there is no need to resort to the usual cliche that “the truth lies somewhere in between“.
And therefore I say … that the truth lies somewhere in between. Because you can not, not to resort to the banality of this phrase. Because Napoli seemed too good, even Gabbiadini has been great, and the Inter too much at the mercy of the Napoli.
Allow me another banality, that is: “it will the time that will tell us the truth about Napoli – Inter“. Only in May we will understand the match who we have watched. And we will work out it, based on what they will have done during the season.
After the first goal, I was speechless, it looked like a typical action by the Guardiola‘s Barcellona. After the second goal I was excited, because that goal meant the almost safety. It has been exciting the assist by Zielinsky, but even Hamsik who has deceived the Inter’s defensive line, and has deceived the opposing goalkeeper, it has been exciting. The third goal made me smile. What a nice when it scores Napoli, what a nice when the goal is scored by a Neapolitan footballer, by Lorenzo Insigne.
Now, Benfica…hoping that the weather does not change,