Sarri already sentenced!


Maurizio Sarri

Maurizio Sarri

Sarri accused.

After the previous away games, the winning against Palermo, the draws against Genoa and Pescara, it was an exam for his team.  Juventus had just beat Empoli. Instead Napoli has been defeat, it proved to be a small team, at least away from the San Paolo stadium. Last season the away games were decisive. Four winnings in less for Napoli. That is the difference with Juventus. So, despite the best performance and the fact that it was unbeatable at the San Paolo, Napoli surrendered. It is already time of trials, yet, the team is second in the league, and it is first in the Champions League group, with maximum points. According to people who understand football, the main explanations are three.

First of all the turnover.

The other purchases we will see them after the break of the National team, but why not yesterday? Perhaps they could give more freshness. Because two weeks more, or two in less do not make a difference nor physical fitness or tactics ! Okay Insigne, Zielinski and the forced change of Maksimovic. But considering the many commitments and the possible decreased focus after the Champions, many people demanded some new face. And then Gabbiadini used so little…

Then, the tactical question.

According to Sarri, the difficulty in beating the teams which play man against man, or rather, which play 10 men against 10 men, is due to the poor quality of the turf. So, Napoli fails to evade the pressure. It does not manage to play the ball quickly. He fails to overcome the defensive wall of the opponent. In fact, the recent years, Neapolitan team has been defeated when it found a bad turf, which did not allow the famous 2 touches, and the fast game. For football connoisseurs, this is just an excuse. Sarri is not able to play with different ways, and he is not able to work out the matche during it, and to find the right tactical variant.

Rog, forgotten on the bench, could give more inventive, and then, when you can not play well, you must play hard. There is the possibility to do so, with physical and combative players like Diawara and Allan together on the pitch. In order to have a stronger median, when you can not play the usual bubbling football.

Finally, Sarri can train only small teams,

he is one who wears the tracksuit. According to the experts, the polemics against referees and statements such as “Juve is a superior category” remove the responsibilities to the team. A great coach does not do things like that.
But until the match against Benfica, was Napoli the team which played a football among the most beautiful in Europe? And who was its coach? Sarri is not the best coach in the world, and definitely he needs to improve. Maybe some criticism is also right. But Sarri is an intelligent person, he has already amazed in his first two years of the most important italian championship, and I am sure that

he is going to astonish us again!


This article has 2 Comments

  1. Bravo Mario. In sostanza l’articolo stigmatizza, come si cambi repentinamente opinione su Sarri, in funzione del risultato. Noi tutti siamo con Sarri.

  2. Il livello a cui è giunto il Napoli era inaspettato per tutti fino a qualche anno fa.
    Se fino ad ieri Sarri era un allenatore insostituibile, oggi non dovrebbe essere criticato.
    La Juve ha speso più di noi nel mercato acquisti, quindi Sarri non demotiva nessuno quando dice che è squadra di altra qualità. Anzi ciò dovrebbe motivare l’intera squadra a far meglio, come se le parole di Sarri fossero un incitamento, o una sfida.
    Il Presidente più di quello che ha fatto non poteva fare altro. Si tenga presente che è una persona con la testa sul collo e che qualsiasi cosa fa è motivata. Oltre che Presidente è un accanito tifoso della squadra e merita il rispetto dei tifosi.
    Certamente avrebbe potuto spendere qualcosa in più, ma essendo oculato, aspetta sempre le opportunità per poter scegliere il meglio nella qualità e non si lascia condizionare. Fa bene in quanto una volta sbagliato un acquisto dopo il pentimento non serve a nulla.

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